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TIC Žalec

Im Stadtzentrum

Touristeninformationszentrum Žalec

"At the Tourist Information Center Žalec, we provide various tourist information about the municipality of Žalec and beyond. You can obtain promotional materials for Žalec and its surroundings as well as for Slovenia free of charge, purchase souvenirs, or tickets for events held at the House of the Second Slovenian National Assembly in Žalec.

You can also rent a green bike and explore Žalec and its surroundings.

Savinova hiša

V zgornjem nadstropju Savinove hiše si lahko ogledate spominsko sobo generala in skladatelja Friderika Širce - Rista Savina, prenovljeno galerijo Savinjskih likovnikov in novo pridobitev, Galerijo Jelice Žuža.


Adresse: Šlandrov trg 25, Žalec

Telefon: 03 710 04 34
